A ver... Esta es la primera vez que reprodusco uno de mis discos de LM.C para pasárselos a ustedes.. LOOOOL!!!! (** Kenya sigue sufriendo LOL **) El punto está en que yo no sé como sacar los videos en formato ".avi" entonces lo saqué tal y como viene en el disco.. LOL!
Si quieren reproducir el DVD exitosamente primero que nada tienen que bajar el VLC PLayer (el cual es gratis) e instalarlo. Después tienen que bajar los archivos que les pongo a continuación:
Parte 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?6757p55ve4siwqj
Parte 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?38yp79r5r109mc1
Ya que los descargaron deben unirlos con HJSplit (también es gratis). Para unirlo deben ejecutar el hjsplit dar click en "join" y en input seleccionan el archivo. Una vez que termine de unirse se va a crear una carpeta winrar. Dentro hay otra carpeta llamada "No Fun, No Future VIDEO_TS". Descompriman la carpeta COMPLETA!! y una vez que esté listo... den click derecho sobre la carpeta de "No Fun, No Future VIDEO_TS" y seleccionan "Reproducir con VLC".
Yo sé que es mucha vuelta pero, la ventaja es que van a ver el video exactamente con la misma calidad con que viene en el DVD y no se perderán detalles como pasa con los videos .avi
Espero les sirva... puesto que... es la primera vez que comparto algo personal LOL
9 comentarios:
Thank you. Gracias!
Have you got "LET ME' CRAZY!!" DVD plz? I want a GOOD video quality so baaad .__.
OOWW... well i have a link to download it:
This is, but if the quality don't like you, i can ask to my friend who had ordered the "A" version of "LM'C!!" if she could give me the Let me' crazy!! DVD as I downloaded... what dou you want?
Well, you have gave me an ALBUM download link, no a video one lol. But, I have a pretty good video quality, and I would like to have a DVD quality, because i've bought the B version (>_<)
If you could ask to your friend, you will be my queen D: XDD
OMFG....!! LOL! I HADN'T NOTICED IT!! SORRY!!! it's my fault!!! the link is:
sorry!!! it was my fault!! check the quality of this video... if it don't like you, say me to ask the favor to my friend
I have it in better quality (~130Mo) but it still not enough to view it in FULL SCREEN. So, I think it's better to have a .VOB of all PV, to enjoy LM.C's love fullest ^_^
Ok... so.. as soon the LM'C!!'s dvd arrived to my friends house... i'll ask her for the .VOB file!!! and I'll give you the download link
Thank you so much :D
Can't wait <3
I will look at your blog everyday lol
YEEES!!!! wait for it!!! i'll be asking to my friend all the days! XD LOOOL
HI!! I'm BACK!!!
sorry for the delayed response but my friend give me the video a few hours ago, i splited it and uploaded it!!
Those are the links on .VOB ENOJOY THEM!
Link 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?pv6alfn62ysc5aj
Link 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?vnqdh4saroqfr07
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